[NMR] Summer school Theory of NMR at Colditz 4-10 Sept. 2016

Published: Tuesday, 26 April 2016 - 14:16 UTC


From the Ampere Magnetic Resonance List

Call for the 2nd Summer school Theory of NMR at Colditz 4-10 Sept. 2016

Financed by the Volkswagen-Stiftung will be a summer school on the Theory of NMR at Youth hostel Schloss Colditz (50 km S/E of Leipzig/Germany) from Sun/4 (evening) to Sat/10 (morning) Sept. 2016.

The subjects of the school will focus on solids and relaxation. Topics to be covered: quantum mechanics for NMR, superoperators and Liouville space, coherent and dissipative evolution, solids and MAS, relaxation concepts, BPP and Redfield theories, slow motions in solids, Anderson-Weiss theory, polymer chain dynamics.

Teachers: Prof. Shimon Vega (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rechovot), Dr.

Konstantin Ivanov (International Tomography Center, Novosibirsk), Prof. Malcolm Levitt (Univ. Southampton), Prof. Madhu (TIFR Hyderabad), Prof. Kay Saalwächter (Univ. Halle-Wittenberg).

Organizer: Prof. Jörg Matysik (Univ. Leipzig).

Information on the youth hostel:


Participants of the first school are particularly encouraged to apply but the call is open to all PhD students and postdocs in the field.

Participation and accommodation will be entirely free.

Travel will be partially supported.

Max number of students = 45.

Deadline for application = 9 May 2016.

Decision on participation = within a month.

For application, please provide: (1) last name, (2) first name, (3) gender f/m,  (4) e-mail address, (5) country of laboratory, (6) institution/place, (7) head of laboratory, (8) food veg/nonveg/other, (9) arrival date, (10) departure date, (11) about three sentences describing your research project, (12) about three sentences on your motivation to participate, (13) any further information.

Send your e-mail to: zeller@chemie.uni-leipzig.de.


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