Dr Giuseppe Pileio | Long-loved nuclear singlet spin order and its applications | Tue Apr 30, 11 AM Boston/5 pm Paris

Published: Saturday, 27 April 2024 - 10:00 -0400

Author: Thorsten Maly

Dear all,

We would like to invite you to the 84th Global NMR meeting on Tuesday April 30th. Dr Giuseppe Pileio from the University of Southampton, UK will give a tutorial talk on:

Title: Long-loved nuclear singlet spin order and its applications

Abstract: Nuclear singlet spin order is the population difference between the singlet and triplet states in a system of two coupled spin-1/2 nuclei. This form of order is long-lived, silent and accessible on demand. For almost two decades, my research activities were focused at exploiting these three main properties of nuclear spin order to develop new applications in NMR and MRI. In this talk, I will introduce the concept and the main features of singlet order as well as the tools developed for its manipulations. I will then show how we are using this form of order to enhance several NMR and MRI techniques for the long-term storage of hyperpolarisation, to obtain a new form of contrast in MRI, for the measurements of slow diffusion and flow, or for the determination of structural features of porous media such as tortuosity and structural anisotropy through singlet-assisted diffusion NMR.

Speaker’s Bio:
2005: Ph.D., University of Calabria, Italy (Prof. M Longeri and Prof. J. W. Emsley)
2006-2010: Postdoc, University of Southampton, UK (Prof. M. H. Levitt)
2011: Visiting researcher, University of Cambridge, UK (Prof. K. M. Brindle)
2011-2014: Senior Research Fellow, University of Southampton, UK
2015-2022: Lecturer, University of Southampton, UK
2022-present: Associate Professor, University of Southampton, UK

Webinar details:
Time: Tuesday, Apr 30, 2024, 11:00 AM Boston/ 5:00 PM Paris/ 8:30 PM Delhi

Webinar Link: https://nyu.zoom.us/j/96548162125

For more information on the previous talks and future events and to learn more about us, please see our website and our YouTube channel: www.globalnmr.org


Best regards,
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