The 3rd U.S.-Canada Winter School on Biomolecular Solid-State NMR Stowe, Vermont, January 6-11, 2013

Published: Monday, 05 November 2012 - 20:03 UTC


The 3rd U.S.-Canada Winter School on Biomolecular Solid-State NMR 

Stowe, Vermont, January 6-11, 2013 

Organizers: Mei Hong (Iowa State), Chad Rienstra (UIUC), and Bob Griffin (MIT) 

Dear colleagues, 

We invite you to encourage your students, postdocs, and associates to attend the 3rd Winter School on Biomolecular Solid-State NMR, to be held on Jan 6-11, 2013, in Stowe, Vermont. Similar to the two previous, very successful, Winter Schools, this pedagogical meeting, unique in North America, is aimed at students and postdocs in the field of biological solid-state NMR, as well as more senior scientists in related fields who are interested in entering this vibrant field. Our goals are to foster the scientific development of the next generation of North American biological solid-state NMR spectroscopists and to encourage information sharing and collaborations among research groups. Topics in the 3rd Winter School include: 

· Basics of solid-state NMR: orientation dependence, density operators, average Hamiltonian theory, dipolar and CSA recoupling 

· Multidimensional correlation techniques: resonance assignment and structure determination 

· Theory of polarization transfer and dipolar decoupling 

· Pushing the sensitivity envelope: dynamic nuclear polarization 

· Solid-state NMR techniques for measuring distances, torsion angles, dynamics and orientations of diamagnetic and paramagnetic systems, for both spin-1/2 and quadrupolar nuclei 

· Beating the 800-pound gorilla: NMR of membrane-bound proteins 

· Devil in the details: methods for protein expression, isotopic labeling, and preparation of MAS and oriented-membrane samples 

· Numerical simulations and structure calculation methods 

· NMR probe design. 

Lectures and problem-solving sessions will be held in the mornings, late afternoons, and evenings, with time for recreation in the early afternoon. 

Speakers: The following people have agreed to give lectures: 

Tim Cross (Florida State) 

Matthias Ernst (ETH) 

Phil Grandinetti (Ohio State) 

Bob Griffin (MIT) 

Mei Hong (Iowa State) 

Yoshitaka Ishii (U Illinois Chicago) 

Chris Jaroniec (Ohio State) 

Ann McDermott (Columbia) 

Stanley Opella (UCSD) 

Chad Rienstra (UIUC) 

Klaus Schmidt-Rohr (Iowa State) 

Robert Tycko (NIH) 

Kurt Zilm (Yale) 

Venue and transportation: The meeting will be held at the Inn at the Mountain in Stowe, Stowe is easily accessible from airports in Burlington, VT, Manchester, NH, and Boston, MA. 

Cost: Room and board will be free for attendees. The registration fee is $325 for academic attendees and $600 for industrial attendees. We anticipate space for about 75-80 people. 

Application: Interested students and postdocs should send the following application material as PDF attachments to <

1. CV and publication list (for the purpose of room assignment, please indicate your gender in the CV) 

2. A one-page description of the current research 

3. A one-page letter of recommendation from the current research advisor. 

(In the case of a senior scientist, a brief explanation of your motivations can substitute for a letter of recommendation.)