[NMR] PhD Position, Biological Solid-state NMR, Univ. Leipzig

Published: Thursday, 13 October 2016 - 12:56 UTC


From the Ampere Magnetic Resonance List

PhD Position, Biological Solid-state NMR, Univ. Leipzig

In the group of Jörg Matysik (Analytical Chemistry, University of Leipzig) is a PhD position available in the field of light-induced effects in biological NMR/MRI. Candidates should have either background in magnetic resonance or in biological sample preparation. The interdisciplinary team is embedded in an international network. Applications of highly qualified candidates (cover letter, CV, statement of research interests and qualifications, copies of certificates and transcripts) should be sent to Prof. J. Matysik (joerg.matysik@uni-leipzig.de). Further information is available at https://analytik.chemie.uni-leipzig.de/start/ak-prof-matysik. Evaluation of applications will continue until the position is filled. The position will be for three years and payed according to TV-L E 13, 50 %.


Prof. Dr. Jörg Matysik


skype: joerg.matysik




Institut für Analytische Chemie

Universität Leipzig

Linnéstr. 3 (visit)

Johannisallee 29 (mail)

D-04103 Leipzig

Tel: +49-341-9736112 (direct)

Tel: +49-341-9736100 (Secr.)

Fax: +49-341-9736115



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