Instrumentation for solid-state dynamic nuclear polarization with magic angle spinning NMR

Published: Monday, 18 April 2016 - 14:00 UTC


Rosay, M., M. Blank, and F. Engelke, Instrumentation for solid-state dynamic nuclear polarization with magic angle spinning NMR. J Magn Reson, 2016. 264: p. 88-98.

Advances in dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) instrumentation and methodology have been key factors in the recent growth of solid-state DNP NMR applications. We review the current state of the art of solid-state DNP NMR instrumentation primarily based on available commercial platforms. We start with a general system overview, including options for microwave sources and DNP NMR probes, and then focus on specific developments for DNP at 100K with magic angle spinning (MAS). Gyrotron microwave sources, passive components to transmit microwaves, the DNP MAS probe, a cooling device for low-temperature MAS, and sample preparation procedures including radicals for DNP are considered.