Chris Waudby| biomolecular NMR| Tuesday, June 22, 8am California or 11 am Boston or 5pm Paris

Published: Sunday, 20 June 2021 - 00:10 UTC

Author: Thorsten Maly

Dear NMR Enthusiasts,

The 30th Global NMR Educational Tutorial will be given by Dr. Chris Waudby from University College London, UK, on the topic:

“Two-dimensional lineshape analysis of biomolecular interactions”

Abstract: NMR titration experiments are a rich source of structural, mechanistic, thermodynamic and kinetic information on biomolecular interactions, which can be extracted through the quantitative analysis of resonance lineshapes in 2D spectra. We will review the basic principles of chemical exchange in one-dimensional NMR, and then discuss a range of surprising and useful effects that can arise when these principles are applied to multi-dimensional experiments. We will touch on the optimal design of titration experiments and selection of pulse programs, and give a tutorial on data analysis using the TITAN software package

Speaker’s biography:

2000-2004: BA MSci, Natural Sciences (Chemistry), University of Cambridge, UK
2004-2009: PhD, Chemistry, Prof. Chris Dobson, University of Cambridge, UK
2010-present: Postdoc, Prof. John Christodoulou, University College London, UK

Webinar details:
Time: Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 8:00AM California or 11:00 am Boston or 5:00 PM Paris or 8:30 PM Delhi

New Link:

Best regards, Global NMR Discussion Meetings


Adrian Draney (Creighton University Chemistry)
Amrit Venkatesh (Lyndon Emsley Lab, EPFL)
Asif Equbal (Songi Han Lab, UCSB)
Blake Wilson (Robert Tycko Lab, NIH)
Michael Hope (Lyndon Emsley Lab, EPFL)
Mohamed Sabba (Malcolm Levitt Lab, UK)
Mouzhe Xie (Maurer Lab, Uni. Chicago)
PinelopiMoutzouri (Lyndon Emsley Lab, EPFL) ]

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